
Techniques for fiction writing-Part Two

Free eBook How to Get Paid to Write a Book… THE WRITER HIMSELF Critical Faculty—Cultivation of Genius—Observation and Information—Open-mindedness— Attitude Toward Life—Prejudice and Provincialism—The Social Question—Reading— Imagination. Accessible as are the data of the fiction writer, the facts and possibilities of life, their very accessibility places him under strict necessity to sift the useful from the useless in search for the pregnant theme. Free eBook How to Get Paid to Write a Book…   For if life presents a multiplicity of events to the writer, from which he may select some sort of story with little labor to himself, life also presents the same multiplicity of events to the reader, who can see the obvious as well as the lazy writer, and who will not be pleased with a narration of which he has the beginning, middle, and end by heart. A tale which does not interest fails essentially, and novelty, in the undebased sense of the word, is the roo...

Techniques For Fiction writing-Part One

Free eBook How to Get Paid to Write a Book… Many books have been written on fiction technique and the chief excuse for the present addition to the number is the complexity of the subject. Its range is so wide, it calls for so many and so different capacities in one attempting to discuss it, that new work has more than a chance to meet at least two or three deficiencies in all other treatments. I believe that the chief deficiency in most works on fiction the technique is that the author unconsciously has slipped from the viewpoint of a writer of a story to that of a reader. Free eBook How to Get Paid to Write a Book… Now a reader without intention to try his own hand at the game is not playing fair in studying technique, and a book on technique has no business to entertain him.  Accordingly, I have striven to keep to the viewpoint of one who seeks to learn how to write stories, and has made no attempt to analyze the work of masters of fiction for the s...